Whitley Park Primary School

Community Primary School

Whitley Park Primary & Nursery School has published their Local Offer providing information on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Who to contact

Contact Name
Nathan Butler-Broad
Contact Position
Head Teacher
(0118) 937 5566 (0118) 937 5566
Scan to visit this website

Where to go

Brixham Road
Directions to RG2 7RB


Age Ranges
Wheelchair access

Inclusion Information

Wheelchair access

Childcare Information

Ofsted Information

Ofsted Report:
See the Latest Ofsted Inspection Report

Local Offer



Contact Name
Julie Rivers & Charmaine Lynch
Contact Telephone
0118 9375566
Contact Email
Whitley Park Primary School - Website Accessibility Plan SEND
Local Offer Age Bands
Primary (4-10 years)
SEN Provision Type
Local Offer Updated

Schools Extended Local Offer Response


School Name: Whitley Park Primary and Nursery School

Address: Brixham Rd, Reading RG2 7RB

Telephone: 0118 937 5566

Email: office@whitleypark.reading.sch.uk

Website: http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/

Ofsted link: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspectionreport/provider/ELS/136512

Head teacher: Nathan Butler-Broad

SENDCo’s: Charmaine Lynch and Julie Rivers

Contact: office@whitleypark.reading.sch.uk

Date of latest Accessibility Plan: June 2020

Date completed: May 2021

By whom: Julie Rivers and Charmaine Lynch Role: SENDCo’s


Whitley Park is a large, fully inclusive mainstream Primary and Nursery School. It is our aim to ensure that the very best provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs and that those needs are fully understood by all who work with them. Every child at Whitley Park Primary and Nursery is valued and our emphasis is on developing the whole child through high quality teaching and learning throughout the school. We work closely with parents and with pupils to ensure that an individual’s special educational needs are met and we monitor progress to ensure all pupils make at least expected or accelerated progress.

1: The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at the school
1.1: Do you have children with SEND in your school?

At Whitley Park we provide support for children who have a range of needs as specified in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014. This includes Cognition & Learning (e.g. global developmental delay, specific learning difficulties), Speech & Language difficulties, Sensory & Physical needs (e.g. hearing impairment, visual impairment) and Social, Emotional & Mental Health needs (e.g. ADHD and Autism). For further information about applying for a place at the school, please see our website which gives details of our Admission Policy.

2: Information related to mainstream schools about the school's policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with SEND
2.1: How do you know if a pupil has SEN?

• The school SEND Policy gives an overview of how pupils with SEND are identified and assessed. This is available from the school’s policies page: http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/keyinformation/policies/  

• We have a flow chart to support the identification of SEND and the assess, plan, do, review cycle recommended in the SEND Code of Practice. This can also be found in the link above.

• If teachers have a concern about a child in their class who is not on the SEND register they will speak with the child’s parents and the SENDCo for their team. A SENDCo’s will then investigate this and offer further advice and support.

• We also welcome discussions with parents if they have any concerns about their child. In the first instance parents should speak to the class teacher and this may then be followed by discussion with one of the SENDCo’s.

2.2: How will I know if my child is receiving SEN support?

Your Child's class teacher will update you on this, with reasons why further support is necessary.  They will give you a copy of your child's Individual Learning Plan, which has targets for the coming year.

3: Information about the school's policies for making provision for pupils with SEND whether or not pupils have EHC plans
3.1: Where can I find information about the school SEN Policy?

Our SEND policy gives details about the provision we make for all pupils with SEND. This is available from the school’s policies page: http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/keyinformation/policies/  

We have a duty to ensure that pupils with SEND are not discriminated against and not at a disadvantage compared to their peers. We make reasonable adjustments to meet all needs which could include specific interventions, use of specialist equipment and personnel to support learning, as well as using a different approach to meet the needs of individuals.

For children with disabilities, we give thought in advance to what might be required and what adjustments might be needed to prevent any disadvantage. We commission services to support the needs of individuals and promote equality of opportunity for disabled children. All children with SEND engage in activities in school alongside those who do not have SEND. Our school’s Admission Policy ensures that children are not refused admission due to their SEND needs. We regularly review and evaluate the breadth and impact of the support we offer and ensure that we take an active role in linking with all agencies and following advice. We promote training for staff to ensure that they can offer the best possible teaching and support for pupils in our care. Children with SEND who are double-funded ie. SEN and Pupil Premium are prioritised for additional support and opportunities, wherever possible.

3a: How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such schools
3a.1: How do you make sure that the SEN provision is helping pupils make better progress?

The progress of all children in the school is carefully monitored through data tracking and is also discussed at our core group meetings. In addition, regular monitoring is scheduled and there are regular learning walks and lesson observations. Books are regularly scrutinised and pupil feedback is sought. Individual SEND children’s progress is also monitored through ILPs, (Individual Learning Plans) Wave 2 interventions, reports from outside agencies who regularly work with the child (e.g. Speech Therapist), parent consultations and feedback from the children about their progress.

3a.2: How do you check other outcomes for children with SEND, such as independence and well-being?

The class teacher is responsible in the first instance as they are working with the child every day, being able to notice and highlight both successes and difficulties.  The SENd team can also meet with the child and support regular discussions with class teachers and parents/carers.

3b: The school's arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with special educational needs
3b.1: How do you check and review the progress made by pupils with SEN?

Progress for pupils with SEND is assessed and reviewed alongside all non SEND pupils. In addition to this SEND surgeries are held regularly to review provision and progress of individual pupils with special educational needs.

Regular teacher, parent and pupil meetings are held to discuss progress towards ILP targets for pupils with SEND.

Additional meetings, such as Therapeutic Support Plan meetings are held to review progress for individual children where appropriate.

All professionals supporting a child, parents and pupils contribute to Annual reviews for pupils with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s). 

SENDCo’s take part in learning walks, book scrutinies, provide support for class teachers and observe SENd pupils in class to provide further advice and support.

3b.2: How will I find out about the progress my child is making?

The  Individual Learning Plan shows a child's progress and in addition termly parent/carer evenings are held to enable discussions with the class teacher. The ILP is shared at parent/carer evenings.

3b.3: How will I be involved in those reviews? Who else will be there?

At the end of each term the class teacher will invite you in to review the Individual Learning Plan and together you can consider the new targets.

3c: The school's approach to teaching pupils with SEND
3c.1: How do your teachers help pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities to learn?

We understand that each child is unique and staff at Whitley Park Primary are skilled at scaffolding the curriculum to make it accessible to all children with special educational needs, aiming to remove any barriers to their learning in order for each child to be able to reach his or her potential. This may involve modifying learning objectives, teaching styles and access strategies.

Children are provided with in-class support from both teachers and teaching assistants (TAs) according to their individual needs in order to address any difficulties and to help them achieve their potential. TAs may also provide extra support for a child’s particular area of special educational need via an intervention programme, which may involve the child being temporarily withdrawn from class either on an individual or small group basis.

TAs are trained to a high standard in areas of SEND, including supporting pupils who are autistic, speech and language difficulties and those with social, emotional and mental health needs. Some children are supported by an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with specific targets which makes it easier to track smaller steps of progress. ILPs will be agreed with parents and pupils and will be reviewed at least 3 times a year. Progress of pupils with an ILP is carefully monitored and reviewed on a termly basis and adjustments to teaching strategies made where necessary. SENDCo’s and other professionals such as speech therapists, educational psychologists and behaviour specialists offer advice and support to class teachers where there are concerns about a child’s progress in spite of the above strategies being put into place.

3c.2: How can I find out more about what my child is learning at the moment?

Our website provides details on the curriculum learning for each year group.  In addition, at the beginning of the school year parent/carers are invited to a short presentation on the year ahead.  Further information is shared through the year on the curriculum and parents/carers can speak with a child's class teacher if they would like more information.

3d: How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEND
3d.1: How have you made the school buildings and site safe and welcoming for pupils with SEN or disabilities?

The building is on one floor with a ramp to the lunch canteen.

There are two disabled toilets.

All classrooms have a visual timetable and provide additional visual support and concrete resources for pupils to aid learning where appropriate. A conversation will take place with parents/carers to discuss additional specialist equipment required. Additional specialist resources are sourced via external services if necessary.

We have a small class (Acorns) for younger children who have an EHCP and are expected to attend or waiting for a special school place. This class have a high adult to child ratio, led by a qualified teacher and they follow an individual curriculum. Children may be supported by teaching assistants working in small groups or 1:1 in the main classroom according to their individual needs.

Social stories are provided for particular situations to support a child such as to ease transition for those pupils who find transitions difficult.

Children with Autism can find playtimes tricky and we offer a calm inside area as an alternative provision for pupils who find playtimes difficult to manage. The school’s accessibility plan is available from the policies page: http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/keyinformation/policies/

3d.2: How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

We have children with a wide range of needs in our classrooms.  Teachers are skilled at scaffolding learning to ensure it is appropriate and matched to needs.

3e: Additional support for learning that is available to pupils with SEND
3e.1: Is there additional support available to help pupils with SEND with their learning?

Support is tailored to individual pupils’ needs and could include:

• Provision of specialist equipment

• Working 1:1 or as part of a small group with an adult

• Speech and language therapy

• Emotional literacy groups

• Play therapy

• Phonics support

• Fine motor skills group

• Gross motor skills group

• Writing skills group

• Vocabulary group

• 1:1 or small group phonics/reading intervention

• Maths intervention

Children with SEND are included in all activities outside the classroom (e.g. school trips) and risk assessments are carried out beforehand. Parents may be asked if they would like to accompany their child if there are concerns about the child’s safety on a school trip.

Some pupils may find break and lunchtimes difficult, in which case indoor playtime provision is available. This facility can also be used while making a plan with pupils to support their successful playtime outside.

We have a therapeutic support dog ‘Buzz’, who provides emotional support for children as a specific intervention.

3e.2: How are the school's resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?

Teaching assistants are a valuable resources to support children with SENd and they are allocated across year groups according to numbers of children with SENd.  In addition further resources to meet specific needs for individual children are provided, usually following SEN reports.  We currently have 5 SENd provision classes with high staff ratios and capped pupil numbers which supports children with EHCP's who would otherwise be unable to access their year group classroom.

3e.3: How will I know if my child is getting extra support?

The class teacher would initially update you regarding in class support and the SENd Team would also speak with you regarding specific interventions e.g. Massage Therapy.

3e.4: How is the decision made about how much/what support my child will receive?

 Discussions with parents, class teachers and the SENd Team identify next steps to support SENd.

3f: Activities that are available for pupils with SEND in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum
3f.1: What social and extra-curricular activities are available for students with SEND?

All extra curricular and social activities are accessible and offered to all children. Adaptations might need to be offered to enable successful engagement but this can be discussed with parent/carer. 

3f.2: How can my child and I find out about these activities?

  A list of the clubs being offered each term is sent to parents and class teachers remind the children at the beginning of term what there is on offer.

3f.3: How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

Class teachers identify any barriers and then liaise with SENd team to identify solutions and discuss with parents/carers.

3g: Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND
3g.1: What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

• We have teaching assistants trained to be Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA’s), so that they understand how to support pupils’ overall wellbeing. Many staff have also been trained in Emotional First Aid. They can be recognised with a pink cross on their staff lanyard.

• All staff have completed therapeutic training as part of the Therapeutic Training Programme

• ELSAs run interventions to support pupils who have been highlighted as needing extra support with friendships, selfawareness, building resilience and their general well-being.

• All staff know who our more vulnerable pupils are.

• We offer daily meet and greet for some pupils where this has been discussed and a plan has been formed, this ensures a smooth transition from home to school each day.

• We work closely with health and social care professionals to support the children’s needs.

• We have “The Bubble”. This is where children may be referred for play therapy from our in-house therapeutic play worker Both parents and teachers are able to initiate this referral. We also offer a more informal ‘Bubble chat’ appointment where pupils can chat about any concerns they may have. Pupils are able to refer themselves for this support.

• Pupils are encouraged to share their views, contribute to their Individual Learning Plans and Therapeutic Support Plans and have their say about what impacts on their learning.

• We employ a therapeutic play worker who is a part of our school staff team.

• We are working towards a more therapeutic Behaviour Policy which follows a therapeutic approach. Parents understand that they will be involved to support their child. If the Behaviour Policy is not effective for a particular pupil, an alternative therapeutic Behaviour Management Plan will be put in place for a short time, after consultation with parents and pupil.

• Regular Therapeutic Support Plan (TSP) meetings take place for identified pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs or are on a reduced timetable. These meetings, run by theBehaviour Support Service, bring together parents, the child’s class teacher, SENDCo and any other adults in school regularly involved with the children to devise an action plan to support the child and work towards outcomes that improve the child’s behaviour and well-being.

• Parents will always be notified of any serious incidents and invited to discuss these. We would then expect parents to work in partnership to identify why the incident happened and how to prevent its reoccurrence in the future.

• The attendance of every child is monitored on a daily basis by the attendance officer and there is liaison with and parents and where necessary the Education Welfare Officer if there are concerns. Lateness and absence are also recorded and reported to the Headteacher and Governing Body.

The school has a policy regarding the administration and management of medicines which can be found on the school policies page: http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/keyinformation/policies/

• Parents need to leave all medication at the school office and complete a form giving permission for medicines to be administered during the school day.

• If a child needs personal care this will be supported through either a health care plan or intimate care plan.

• Relevant staff have regular training regarding conditions and medication affecting individual children so that all staff can manage medical situations if the need arises.

4: In relation to mainstream schools, the name and contact details of the SEN Co-ordinator
4.1: Who should I contact if I want to find out more about how the school supports students with SEND?

Dr Charmaine Lynch - SENDCo  on Telephone 0118 9375566 and office@whitleypark.reading.sch.uk

4.2: What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?

Speak to your child's class teacher.

5: Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with SEND and how specialist expertise will be secured
5.1: What training have the teachers and other staff who support children and young people with SEND had?

Our SENDCo’s are very experienced in teaching children of all ages with a wide range of SEND and have previously worked in a variety of different settings. Mrs Rivers and Mrs Lynch have successfully completed the Government SENDCO qualification and are part of the school’s Leadership Team. Mrs Lynch also holds an MA in Special Educational Needs and has submitted a Doctorate in educational research.

We have an in-house Speech & Language Therapy Assistant and also buy in extra speech and language therapy time. Staff have received training from the Speech Therapist in how to identify and support pupils with speech and language difficulties. All staff have been trained in supporting pupils with autism and we call on the expertise through wider agencies if needed e.g. Cranbury College

All staff have been trained in implementing the SEND Code of Practice.

The SENDCo’s attend SENDCo conferences and SENDCo cluster meetings.

Staff have recently been trained in using effective Scaffolding and Rosenshine’s Principles in Action.

The SENDCo’s run termly staff meetings and regular training sessions on SEND.

We have advice and support from a range of external professionals (e.g. Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support Service, School Nurse, Family Workers, Pre-school advisory teacher, Resource Manager for Autism, Social Workers, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Educational Welfare Officer) some of whom offer additional training for staff. There is also direct access to support from Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists for individual pupils with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).

6: Information about how equipment and facilities to support children with SEND will be secured
6.1: What happens if my child needs specialist equipment or other facilities?

We have a variety of resources and equipment to support children with special educational needs. Further small, less expensive resources, such as chewy sensory toys, may be purchased by parents, if required. For larger items we will apply to the relevant organisation for loan of equipment or if specific equipment is required e.g. for a child with a hearing or visual impairment it may be possible to obtain this through the sensory consortium. For children with an EHCP we can apply for additional resources/facilities by submitting a provision map with costings to the Local Authority, if our spending would exceed that which is normally available to schools for children with SEND.

7: The arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEND about, and involving such parents in, the education of their child
7.1: How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child's education?

• There are termly parent/carer evenings when children’s progress is reviewed and parents/carers are invited to contribute to their child’s Individual Learning Plan or one page profile.

• Parents are invited to Annual Reviews (if their child has an EHCP) and meetings with outside agencies (e.g. Behaviour Support Service for TSP meetings, meetings with the Educational Psychologist, Social Care). Appointments can be made with the class teacher and SENDCo’s at any time if parents have concerns about their child’s learning progress or well being.

• Due to Covid 19 actual parental visits to school have been halted. We have maintained involvement through online and telephone links. However we would hope to resume the following once restrictions are lifted.


 to attend “come and share our learning” mornings

 to respond to questionnaires about what they like and what they would like to change

 to assist as a reading volunteer

 to accompany children on school trips

 to attend all meetings where their child is the focus

 to join in celebration gatherings for festivals

 to attend training to help them to understand how to teach phonics

7.2: How will you help me to support my child's learning?


There are termly parent/carer evenings when children’s progress is reviewed and parents/carers are invited to contribute to their child’s Individual Learning Plan or one-page profile.  Our Family and Child Support Worker – Sarah Rooke also works closely with the SENd team at Whitley Park to support families · Parents are invited yearly to an Annual Review (if their child has an EHCP) and meetings with outside agencies (e.g. Speech and Language Service, Educational Psychologist, Social Care). · Appointments can be made with the class teacher and SENDCo at any time if parents have concerns about their child’s learning progress or well-being and parents have spoken with the class teacher as a first step. ·

Parents/carers are encouraged to:

  • attend “come and share our learning” mornings  
  • respond to questionnaires about what they like and what they would like to change   
  • assist as a reading volunteer 
  • accompany children on school trips
  • attend all meetings where their child is the focus 
  • join in celebration gatherings for festivals
  • attend training to help them to understand how to teach phonics
8: The arrangements for consulting young people with SEN about, and involving them in their education
8.1: How will my child be involved in his/her own learning and decisions made about his/her education?

All children are encouraged to give their views about their learning and the support that they receive. This includes: • Inviting them to take part in annual review meetings (if they have an EHCP). Pupils can also request who they would like to attend their annual reviews.

• Asking them for their views about their learning and progress before and after taking part in an intervention programme.

• Encouraging them to contribute to their Individual Learning Plans by thinking about their strengths and any areas of concern and discussing their short term and long term targets.

• Agreeing targets for learning and behaviour with pupils before final decisions are made.

• Inviting them to take part in a pupil conference if there are specific concerns about their behaviour, progress or learning.

• Providing additional support to help children to respond to a teacher’s marking if required.

• Encouraging them to be involved in setting targets and thinking about the next steps in their learning.

• Helping Foundation Stage pupils to decide what they would like to include in their learning journeys.

• Supporting the voice of the pupils through a school council.

9: Any arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with SEND concerning the provision made at the school
9.1: Who can I contact for further information?

In the first instance, parents/carers are encouraged to talk to their child’s class teacher. Further information and support can be obtained from the school’s SENDCo/Head Teacher, the Governing Body and the LA. All complaints are recorded and a response made.

9.2: Who can I contact if I am not happy about the SEN provision made for my child?

In the first instance, parents/carers are encouraged to talk to their child’s class teacher. Further information and support can be obtained from the school’s SENDCo/Inclusions Lead, Head Teacher, the Governing Body and the LA. All complaints are recorded and a response made.

10: How the governing body involves other bodies including health and social care, LA support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and in supporting the families of such pupils
10.1: Who else provides services in school for children with SEN or disabilities?

• Children with EHCP’s have Annual Review meetings to which other bodies including health and social care and LA support services are invited to contribute.

• We have our own in-house part time Speech and language Therapist and assistant.

• Children with significant fine and gross motor difficulties may be referred to the Occupational Therapist via the child’s GP – SENDCo’s can provide a letter of support for this. For children with an EHCP, SENDCo’s can make a direct referral for OT support.

• SENDCo’s may suggest making referrals to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) for children with significant social, emotional and mental health needs. Referrals can be made via parents through the GP and SENDCo’s can contribute to these referrals. The Behaviour Support Service runs TSP meetings for those with the most challenging behavioural needs.

• The Sensory Consortium visits pupils with sensory needs (e.g. hearing impairment) and provides advice and support for staff

• Information and Support Service (IASS) provides advice and support for parents of children with SEND.

• We may use specific outside agency support for individual children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.

11: The contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with SEND including those for arrangements made in accordance with clause 32
11.1: Who should I contact to find out about other support for parents and families of children with SEN or disabilities?

Information and Support Service (IASS) provides advice and support for parents of children with SEND. http://www.readingiass.org

12: The school's arrangements for supporting pupils with SEND in transferring between phases of education
12.1: How will you help my child make a successful move into the next class or secondary school or other move or transition?

We encourage families to visit the school prior to joining us. Once Covid 19 restrictions are lifted, we will make home visits for our pre-school pupils and where there may be an additional need the SENDCo will join teachers for these visits.

Extra visits and flexibility to starting arrangements may be made

We will visit pupils with SEND transitioning to our school in their current setting where possible.

We hold transition meetings in school with the child’s current teacher and new teacher to ensure a smooth transition between year groups.

Social stories are provided to aid a successful transition. We are actively involved in specific transition programmes offered by our cluster secondary schools.

The SENDCo’s are part of the local cluster group and have good professional relationships with our local secondary school SENDCo’s to support successful transitions.

We liaise closely with SENDCo’s and other relevant staff from other schools when a pupil joins us or transfers to another school, ensuring all relevant paperwork is passed on and all needs are discussed and understood.

If the child has an Education Health and Care Plan we will invite the staff of the new secondary school to the Annual Review meeting prior to transfer.

We complete transition paperwork for SEND pupils to identify needs and current support for all pupils transferring from our school to a new setting.

If a child is transitioning to a Special school we will liaise with parents and the school to support the successful transition.


13: Information on where the LA's SEN Information Report / Local Offer is published ORDINARILY AVAILABLE statement - Provision the local authority expects to be made available by schools, early years and post-16 providers)
13.1: Where can I find out about other services that might be available for our family and my child?

The LA’s Local Offer can be found at: Reading Directory | Special Educational Needs & Disabilities - Reading's Local Offer

14: Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people's progress towards outcomes. This should include the opportunities available to work with parents and young people as part of this assessment and review
14.1: What opportunities will we as parents and our child have to review our child's progress towards the agreed outcomes?

Children with EHCP’s have Annual Reviews where all outside agencies and school staff involved meet with the child and parents to review progress towards outcomes.

Parents’ Evenings take place each term, providing an opportunity for parents, children and class teachers to review Individual Learning Plans and set new targets.

For those children with TSPs there are regular meetings with parents, teachers and pupils, alongside the Behaviour Support Service to review progress and discuss new outcomes being sought and to detail action plans.

The SENDCo’s hold regular meetings with outside agencies e.g. Speech & Language therapy service, to discuss children on their caseload and review progress.

Outside agencies also provide individual reports on each child they are working with, noting children’s progress towards the outcomes being sought at the start of the intervention.

Class teachers monitor interventions and provide feedback on children’s progress to SENDCo’s and parents.

Parents are welcome to make an appointment to discuss any concerns about their child’s progress with the class teacher and SENDCo’s at any time. The SENDCo’s are also available during meet and greet in the mornings or via telephone/email contact.

15: Who can I contact for further information?

If considering whether a child should join the school

• Contact Ms N Pither to arrange a meeting and tour of the school 0118 937 5566

• Contact the SENDCo’s to discuss a child’s special educational need or disability: Julie Rivers or Charmaine Lynch. They will discuss how the school could meet your child’s needs. Further information

• Further details about the school’s SEND policy can be found on the school website via this link: http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/keyinformation/policies/

• Contact Reading IASS on 01189399821 or Parenting Special Children on 01183264784

16: What is the complaints procedure?

In the first instance, parents/carers are encouraged to talk to their child’s class teacher if they have any concerns. Further information and support can be obtained from the relevant SENDCo for the child’s year group. If the issue still is not resolved a complaint can be made to the Head Teacher via the school office, or subsequently the Governing Body and the Local Authority. All complaints are recorded and a response made.

17: Our external partners are

Educational Psychologist
Speech & Language Therapist
Social Care
Children’s Action Team (South)
The School Health Team
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Sensory Consortium Service
Behaviour Support Service
Education Welfare Officer
Family Support Workers
ASD Resource Manager
ABC to read
Aspire 2
Ufton Court
Local Authority SEN Team
IASS Service – parenting support

18: Is there any additional provision you have developed during the year?

Whole school training on Therapeutic Approach.

19: Link to the schools websites SEND information or policy page.
Local offer link on website: http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/support-forlearning/local-offer/ SEN Information Report http://www.whitleyparkprimaryschool.co.uk/support-forlearning/send-information-report-2/


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This information has been collected from third party providers therefore the Reading Services Guide, Reading Borough Council (RBC) and Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC) cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of this information and recommends that parents, carers, young people, residents and professionals check with providers regarding DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) and OFSTED registrations and CQC registrations. Information collected by Reading Service Guide; is used solely to implement and supply the Family Information Service (FIS), Special Educational Needs & Disabilities - Reading's Local Offer, Adults & Carers Support Group and Reading Youth.


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Contact the Team

Family Information Service

fis@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2

SEND Local Offer

localoffer@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2

Adult & Carers Support

CSAAdvice.Signposting@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3747 0118 937 3747
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