Ranikhet Academy ~ Nursery Class

Ranikhet Primary School has published their Local Offer providing information on Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Morning and afternoon sessions, from September 2021, will be offering 30 hours childcare to eligible families.


Who to contact

Contact Name
Miss Louisa Sanghera
Contact Position
Head of School
(0118) 937 5520 (0118) 937 5520
Ranikhet Academy & Nursery Class
Scan to visit this website

Where to go

Ranikhet Primary School
Spey Road
RG30 4ED
Directions to RG30 4ED

Childcare Information

Funded Places

Has 3 & 4 year old funding

30 Hours Extended Entitlements

Additional 15 hours of *Free* childcare offered
Intending to provide 30 Hours?
Registered to provide 30 Hours?

Ofsted Information

Ofsted Report:
See the Latest Ofsted Inspection Report

Local Offer

Contact Name
Miss Louisa Sanghera (Head of School) Emma Young (Senco)
Contact Telephone
(0118) 9375520
Contact Email
admin@ranikhetacademy.co.uk emma.young@ranikhetacademy.co.uk
Ranikhet Website SEND Policies Accessibility Plan
Local Offer Age Bands
Early Years (0-4 years)
SEN Provision Type
Local Offer Updated

Schools Extended Local Offer Response


General Statement –
- Therapeutic approach to behaviour
- Sensory Circuits / Wake Up Shake Up
- Colourful Semantics
- Speech and language therapy
- Bucket time intervention
- Turn taking and social skills interventions
- Intensive Interactions
- PECs
- Referrals and facilitation of on-site interventions by members of the Primary Mental Health Support Team.

1: The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at the school
1.1: Do you have children with SEND in your school?

Additional and/or different from provision is currently being made for children with a wide range of needs, including cognition and learning, communication and interaction, sensory and/ or physical, and social emotional and mental health.

1.2: What kinds of SEND do those children have?

Speech and language difficulties, autistic spectrum condition, physical disabilities including hypermobility, specific medical conditions, and attachment disorders, among others. 

2: Information related to mainstream schools about the school's policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with SEND
2.1: How do you know if a pupil has SEN?

At Ranikhet Academy, we follow a clear Early SEND identification process: 

Upon a new child joining the nursery, staff conduct a home visit and discuss the child's developmental history and needs with parents. SEND records are requested from previous settings where relevant. 

On-going communication between staff, parents and the child can help identify additional areas of need. Where an initial concern is raised by the child, parent, staff member or wider professional, this is recorded on school's online recording system (CPOMs).

The child's strengths and areas of difficulty/ concern will be assessed by staff, in consultation with the parent (and child where appropriate). This includes an investigation into the child's attendance, wider lived experiences and their strengths and difficulties in each of the four areas of SEND (Cognition and Learning; Physical and Sensory; Social, Emotional and Mental Health; Communication and Interaction).

It will then be appropriate to either agree a monitoring period or plan for additional provision.   

If any referrals to external agencies are considered appropriate, parental consent must be obtained and the SENCo will be consulted. 

If the identified area of need is due to a special educational need, parents will be asked for signed consent to add their child to the SEND register. 

If a child requires additional provision, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) or Therapeutic Plan (Therapeutic plans are written for children who struggle to follow the behaviour policy due to their special educational needs) will be agreed between staff, parents and the child. Any relevant external agency advice will be considered. 

If parents are separated but retain parental responsibility, staff will speak to both parents at each stage unless agreed otherwise. 

At least termly, the child's ILP or Therapeutic plan will be reviewed to include:  

  • The child's recent successes- What’s going well? 
  • Consideration for the pupil’s engagement with and/or impact of the additional provision. Does the provision need amending?  
  • Has the child achieved their short- and long-term targets? Are the targets still appropriate?    

If the child has achieved their long-term targets, it may be appropriate for the child to be removed from the SEND register. If this is the case, parents will be asked to sign the ‘Leaving the SEND register’ letter. Relevant school records will then be updated to reflect this. 

2.2: How will I know if my child is receiving SEN support?

Parents are contacted in the first instance of any concerns around their child’s progress or wellbeing.

Parental consent will always be obtained before any referral to external professionals are made. Where external involvement is requested, parents will be contacted by the professional directly, either through face-to-face meetings or over the phone. 

If the joint decision is made to support the child with additional provision, an individual learning plan or therapeutic plan will be agreed between the school, parents and child. Provision and agreed targets are recorded on the individual learning plan and/ or therapeutic plan.

3: Information about the school's policies for making provision for pupils with SEND whether or not pupils have EHC plans
3.1: Where can I find information about the school SEN Policy?

On the school website:https://www.ranikhetacademy.co.uk/97/policies-and-reports

3a: How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such schools
3a.1: How do you make sure that the SEN provision is helping pupils make better progress?

- Reviewing Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) and therapeutic plans at least 3x yearly.

Through these reviews, each aspect of the child’s provision is considered in terms of whether the child is making progress towards, or has achieved, their targets. If the child is not making progress towards their targets, their provision will be re-evaluated and agreed changes put in place. All reviews will be done in consultation between the child, school and parents. Where appropriate, external support agencies will also be consulted.

- Holding Pupil Progress meetings every half term
- Tracking pupil’s progress in relation to age related expectations as determined in the Early Years Framework. 
- Using assessments and reviews completed by outside professionals e.g. children with speech and language difficulties may have their needs assessed and reviewed by speech and language therapists

- Annual Review meetings for children with Education, Health and Care Plans.

- The monitoring of attendance and behaviour records

- Internal CPD processes. 

3a.2: How do you check other outcomes for children with SEND, such as independence and well-being?

Where appropriate,

 - Annual Review meetings for children with Education, Health and Care Plans,

- Monitoring of attendance and behaviour records,

- Half termly pupil progress meetings

3b: The school's arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with special educational needs
3b.1: How do you check and review the progress made by pupils with SEN?

- Termly reviews of the child’s individual support plan, and more often if required. 
- Regular professional conversations about a child’s progress and next steps
- Half-termly pupil progress meetings
- Measuring the impact of individual and/or group interventions
- Parent-school meetings
- Meetings with the SENCo/class teacher
- Parent workshops

- The child is always consulted in the review of their provision as appropriate.

3b.2: How will I find out about the progress my child is making?

- Termly reviews of the child’s individual support plan, and more often if required, including consultation between the child, parent and school staff.

- Termly parent drop-in sessions.

- Parent – teacher meetings twice yearly.

- Transition meeting discussions for the move up to Reception. 

- Additional conversations by phone and/or face-to-face as necessary

- Reviewing Tapestry entries on your child's account. 

3b.3: How will I be involved in those reviews? Who else will be there?

For children with an EHCP, parents and relevant external professionals would be invited to attend the annual review. This may include an educational psychologist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, social worker, and/ or family worker. Relevant professionals would also be consulted in advance and a report requested evidencing their involvement with the child, and their professional judgement of the child's progress against the agreed outcomes. 

The SEND case officer from the local authority would also be invited. 

The SENCo leads the annual review discussion, with the parents and any relevant external professionals also present. The child will always be consulted in advance to gain their views.

Individual learning plan and therapeutic plan reviews are lead by the class teacher in consultation with the child and parent. External professional feedback and reports will be considered alongside these reviews. The SENCo may also be consulted. 

Where parents are separated but retain equal parental responsibility, both parents will be consulted for every review, unless agreed otherwise. Copies of all documentation will be shared equally with both parents. 

3c: The school's approach to teaching pupils with SEND
3c.1: How do your teachers help pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities to learn?

Quality first teaching includes a class teacher's detailed knowledge of every child's individual needs. As such, the teacher may vary their questioning to support a child's understanding and to further extend their thinking. There may be adaptations to the way the learning environment is designed and tailored to a child's needs, and the small group learning may be further adapted with the use of resources and tailored planning to support the child's understanding and engagement. 

As appropriate, the children may be included in an intervention, or interventions, to meet their additional needs. This could include Sensory Circuits, Bucket time, Wellcomm, speech and language therapy, among others.  

3c.2: How can I find out more about what my child is learning at the moment?

- Speak to your child's class teacher on the door or request a meeting. 

- View your child's recent Tapestry posts. 

- Attend Stay and Play sessions and parent workshops. 

3d: How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEND
3d.1: How have you made the school buildings and site safe and welcoming for pupils with SEN or disabilities?

We have an Accessibility Plan and as such make every effort to make reasonable adjustments where possible.

3d.2: How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

Planning in Nursery is designed to foster curiosity for learning and provide opportunities for the children to explore different activities and further their understanding through hands-on experiences covering the EYFS curriculum. 

The classroom environment is designed for the children to have a clear understanding of the daily routine while facilitating their independence. 

Where children have shown a particular interest in an area of the curriculum, in-the-moment interactions with the child will support their learning through questioning and extending the play. 

Planning is also tailored to meet the needs of the children through building on their interests and providing activities to extend their knowledge and skills. 

3e: Additional support for learning that is available to pupils with SEND
3e.1: Is there additional support available to help pupils with SEND with their learning?

Children may be supported in their learning through the use of adapted resourcing and scaffolding. The children may also be supported with a higher level of adult support and/ or interventions. 

3e.2: How are the school's resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?

Resourcing is shared across the nursery dependent on children's individual needs.

A child may be offered various resources such as a wobble cushion or ear defenders. The child may also have access to a quieter learning space to manage their emotional or sensory regulation. 

As appropriate, children are supported 1:1 or in small groups with their teacher or a learning support assistant. The child may attend additional interventions where needed. 

3e.3: How will I know if my child is getting extra support?

Parents are informed if their child is receiving extra support.

Parents will be consulted to discuss any concerns and proposed extra provision. This will be documented on an individual learning plan or therapeutic plan, with agreed targets and support. 

3e.4: How is the decision made about how much/what support my child will receive?

Decisions are made about the support a child may need as a result of:
- Observations and assessments of a pupil
- Information sharing between parents/carers, class teachers and the SENCO
- Pupils views
- The views of any other professionals involved.

3f: Activities that are available for pupils with SEND in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum
3f.1: What social and extra-curricular activities are available for students with SEND?

Ranikhet Runners and Art Club. 

Parents are also invited to stay and play sessions and other events throughout the school year. 

Families are invited to wider school events such as the Christmas, Easter, and Summer Fayres. 


3f.2: How can my child and I find out about these activities?

At the beginning of each term, information is communicated with parents and invitations sent out to sign up.


If parents have further queries, they are encouraged to speak to their child's class teacher, the person running the club, or contact the office. 

3f.3: How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

All children are included in school trips wherever possible. As appropriate, parents will be consulted if there is a safety concern surrounding a child’s attendance, and actions agreed relating to an individual risk assessment.

3g: Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND
3g.1: What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

Learning opportunities to support the children's personal, social, emotional development is integral to the weekly planning in nursery. 

Where children struggle with their social communication skills, and/ or emotional regulation, extra support is provided. This may include a higher level of adult support to facilitate peer interactions, specific turn taking interventions, use of visual emotions cards, or social stories, among other strategies. 

Respect is central to everything we do at Ranikhet. It is one of the three main school rules: Ready, respectful and safe; therefore, it is a consistent expectation between staff and peers. Following a rule-breaking incident, staff use the restorative approach to resolve disagreements and promote positive choices and well-being going forwards.

Children are discussed (with parental consent) at mental health surgeries with the Brighter Futures for Children Mental Health Support Team. If appropriate referrals for external interventions are completed with parental consent. The family support worker works closely with families to support the well-being of the children.

4: In relation to mainstream schools, the name and contact details of the SEN Co-ordinator
4.1: Who should I contact if I want to find out more about how the school supports students with SEND?

Miss Emma Young - SENDCo

Mr Ben Thomas - Assistant Headteacher and Pastoral lead

4.2: What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?

If you have any concerns, the first point of contact is your child’s class teacher. The class teacher may then refer you on to the SENDCo.

5: Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with SEND and how specialist expertise will be secured
5.1: What training have the teachers and other staff who support children and young people with SEND had?

We include special educational needs in our ongoing training throughout the year.

In our setting we:

- Identify training requirements for staff as part of Performance Management.

- Hold dedicated staff meetings for SEN training and development. 

- Ensure staff who support SEN pupils receive appropriate training from an external provider or in school.

This includes training for:
- Speech and Language therapy 
- Mental health needs and emotional literacy
- Medical needs

6: Information about how equipment and facilities to support children with SEND will be secured
6.1: What happens if my child needs specialist equipment or other facilities?

We would assess the needs of the children in each class and provide the appropriate equipment.
Such equipment may include:

- Additional provision to help with fine motor skills and pencil control eg. Pencil grips, theraputty

- Fidget toys

- Ear defenders

- Sand timers

- Visual aids

- Chewies



7: The arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEND about, and involving such parents in, the education of their child
7.1: How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child's education?

We consult with families at:
- Initial home visits
- Parents evenings, twice a year.
- Termly SEND review meetings.
- Termly class drop ins, where class teachers are available for a chat.
- Yearly EHCP annual reviews

7.2: How will you help me to support my child's learning?

Parent workshops are held to share information on the curriculum and how to support children with their learning in each area.

Parents are always welcome to contact the school for a meeting. Similarly, parents may be contacted prior to a review date as necessary. In addition to the events listed above, we endeavour to support families with their child’s learning needs through involving external professionals to offer support and guidance.

A communication book may be set up in addition to communication through the child's online Tapestry profile, where parents are able to view entries and upload observations from home.

8: The arrangements for consulting young people with SEN about, and involving them in their education
8.1: How will my child be involved in his/her own learning and decisions made about his/her education?

Wherever possible, the child will be consulted on their aspirations and views. This includes the review of the child’s individual learning plan, therapeutic plan or EHCP. Use of pictures and visuals will be used to support the child's understanding. 

9: Any arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with SEND concerning the provision made at the school
9.1: Who can I contact for further information?

Sian Butler (Chair of governors) siangary1966@gmail.com

9.2: Who can I contact if I am not happy about the SEN provision made for my child?

SEN Reading IASS - Reading borough council parent partnership iass@brighterfuturesforchildren.org Tel: 0118 937 3421

10: How the governing body involves other bodies including health and social care, LA support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and in supporting the families of such pupils
10.1: Who else provides services in school for children with SEN or disabilities?

We work with many external agencies including:
- Speech & Language
- Occupational Therapy
- Educational Psychology
- Behaviour Support
- School Nursing Team
- Reading’s Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Primary Mental Health Support Team

10.2: How can my family get support from these services?

The school’s SENCo would be happy to advise how to access support from external agencies.

11: The contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with SEND including those for arrangements made in accordance with clause 32
11.1: Who should I contact to find out about other support for parents and families of children with SEN or disabilities?

SENCo – Miss Emma Young emma.young@ranikhetacademy.co.uk

Reading SEND local offer localoffer@reading.gov.uk

12: The school's arrangements for supporting pupils with SEND in transferring between phases of education
12.1: How will you help my child make a successful move into the next class or secondary school or other move or transition?

Induction arrangements include:

- Home visits

- Gradual induction process for children who need it

- Transition stories to read at home in preparation for starting school/new class including photos of new staff and learning areas, and a copy of the new timetable. 

- Additional visits to new classroom and teacher during the Summer Term 

- Transition meetings with receiving schools and visits to the new school.

13: Information on where the LA's SEN Information Report / Local Offer is published ORDINARILY AVAILABLE statement - Provision the local authority expects to be made available by schools, early years and post-16 providers)
13.1: Where can I find out about other services that might be available for our family and my child?

Reading Borough Council have produced their own local offer information. https://servicesguide.reading.gov.uk/kb5/readi ng/directory/family.page?familychannel=3 

14: Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people's progress towards outcomes. This should include the opportunities available to work with parents and young people as part of this assessment and review
14.1: What opportunities will we as parents and our child have to review our child's progress towards the agreed outcomes?

Children with individual learning plans and therapeutic plans are reviewed termly in consultation with the child and parents.

Children with an EHCP will also have an annual review where progress towards agreed outcomes and provision are discussed. 

14.2: How often will these reviews happen?

ILP and therapeutic plans are reviewed at least termly and EHCPs are reviewed at least annually. 

Reviews can be held early where necessary. 

15: Who can I contact for further information?

In the first instance, parents/carers are encouraged to talk to their child’s class teacher. Further information and support can be obtained from the school’s SENCo, Miss Emma Young.

16: What is the complaints procedure?

See our complaints policy available on the school website.

17: Our external partners are

Educational Psychologist - Dr Eve Mbire-CHigumba evas.mbire@brighterfuturesforchildren.org

 Speech & Language Therapist -Linda Maule linda.maule@berkshire.nhs.uk

 Social Care - Reading Borough Council

 Mental Health Support Team - Outreach workers and Educational Mental Health Practitioners

 School Nurse csnreading@berkshire.nhs.uk

18: Is there any additional provision you have developed during the year?

Speech and language provision has been developed in line with the needs of the children to include stage 4 PECs as appropriate. 

Further speech and language training in line with the needs of the children.

Training into the development of individual provision for children with SEND and intimate care needs.

Implementation of the Incredible 5-Point scale to support the children's emotional literacy. 

19: Link to the schools websites SEND information or policy page.


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This information has been collected from third party providers therefore the Reading Services Guide, Reading Borough Council (RBC) and Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC) cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of this information and recommends that parents, carers, young people, residents and professionals check with providers regarding DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) and OFSTED registrations and CQC registrations. Information collected by Reading Service Guide; is used solely to implement and supply the Family Information Service (FIS), Special Educational Needs & Disabilities - Reading's Local Offer, Adults & Carers Support Group and Reading Youth.


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Contact the Team

Family Information Service

fis@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2

SEND Local Offer

localoffer@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2

Adult & Carers Support

CSAAdvice.Signposting@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3747 0118 937 3747
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