Micklands Primary School

Community Primary

Micklands Primary School has published their local offer, providing information on special educational needs and disabilities.


Who to contact

Contact Name
Mr M Frost
Contact Position
Head Teacher
(0118) 937 5500 (0118) 937 5500
Scan to visit this website

Where to go

Micklands Road
Directions to RG4 6LU

Childcare Information

Ofsted Information

Ofsted Report:
See the Latest Ofsted Inspection Report

Local Offer

Contact Name
Mrs K Talbot
Contact Telephone
0118 9375500
Contact Email
Micklands Primary School ~ website Accessibility Policy SEND Policy
Local Offer Age Bands
Primary (4-10 years)
SEN Provision Type
Local Offer Updated

Schools Extended Local Offer Response


School Name: Micklands Primary School

Address: Micklands Road, Caversham RG4 6LU

Telephone: 01189 37 5500

Email: admin@micklands.reading.sch.uk

Website: https://micklands.reading.sch.uk/

Ofsted link: https://micklands.reading.sch.uk/statutory-information/ofsted/

Head teacher: Mr Mark Frost head@micklands.reading.sch.uk

SENCo: Mrs K Talbot ktalbot@micklands.reading.sch.uk 

Date of latest Accessibility Plan: May 2022-23

Date completed: June 2022 By whom:

Name: Mrs Lucy Buckley Role: School Business Manager

Government Legislation requires all schools to publish the SEN Information Report / Local Offer (clause 65 of the Children’s Act). This report is co-produced by the Headteacher, Governor’s and parents. It is a lengthy document and its aim is to outline the provision that the school provides for children with SEND.


SEN Information Report / Local Offer Submission 2022/2023 (schools)

*School to provide a general statement about what the school provides in box below

General Statement – At Micklands Primary School, our pupils, families, staff and governors share one vision: to be even better tomorrow than we are today. We believe that an enjoyment of learning and a desire for knowledge and expertise are the foundation of education. Around the school, there are places of interest, challenge, wonder and reflection, all of which create a stimulating environment to inspire and enthuse. In a culture of support, we celebrate diversity and help children to develop as individuals. Our teachers' consistently high expectations empower everyone to reach their full potential because we truly believe that every child can succeed. All achievements are celebrated to create a sense of pride and self-worth and in turn, we expect everyone to show the same care and consideration that is shown to them.

We want children to leave Micklands as happy, well-rounded individuals who feel confident about the future and look forward to the opportunities and challenges it will bring. All of these values are embraced in our school motto: Taking pride, aiming high

1: The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at the school
1.1: Do you have children with SEND in your school?

At Micklands Primary School provision is made for children who have needs related to Cognition & Learning, Speech, Language & Communication, Emotional Health & Mental Health and Sensory & Physical Needs. Included in this are those with physical difficulties and sensory impairments All schools in Reading have the same special educational needs and disabilities duties as laid out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years 2015, and are expected to provide support for children and young people who have additional needs. Admission arrangements for all pupils are detailed in our Admissions Policy.

1.2: What kinds of SEND do those children have?

Currently, approximately 16.6% of the pupils on roll have additional needs. Seven  of these pupils have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Provision is made for a wide range of SEND, including:

• Autism

• Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

• Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), such as Dyslexia or Dyscalculia

• Hearing Impairment (HI)

• Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH)

• Attachment and Trauma

• Speech, Language & Communication, such as speech delay

• Global Developmental Delay

• Sensory Processing Disorder

• Auditory Processing Disorder

2: Information related to mainstream schools about the school's policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with SEND
2.1: How do you know if a pupil has SEN?

At Micklands Primary School, all class teachers meet with middle and senior leaders and the SENCO to discuss the needs of all the pupils in their class. In these meetings there is a sharp focus on identifying children who are presenting as having needs that are additional to and different from their peers. Our staff are vigilant at supporting and raising any concerns. Should a teacher have concerns between these meetings they will seek the guidance of the SENCo and speak to parents. We also have rigorous monitoring in place that tracks the progress all our learners make across the curriculum and clearly identifies the next steps. We use data and other forms of assessment & observation to identify additional needs and celebrate achievement. Parents & carers are encouraged to speak to the class teacher about any concerns they have. Provision maps are reviewed and updated on a termly basis to ensure interventions and extra support are having a positive impact for meeting children’s needs and accelerating their progress.

2.2: How will I know if my child is receiving SEN support?

The parents of any pupil receiving additional support will be informed of this either by the class teacher or the SENCO. Parents are kept informed at each parents’ evening (with telephone consultations available if preferred), through learning plans and one page profiles and through reports. Relevant policies are available on the school website, particularly the inclusion policy, medical conditions policy and the equality scheme (including the accessibility plan). If you would like a paper copy of any school policy then please contact the school office

3: Information about the school's policies for making provision for pupils with SEND whether or not pupils have EHC plans
3.1: Where can I find information about the school SEN Policy?

The school’s Special Educational Needs Policy can be found on our website: 

 Micklands Primary School 


3a: How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such schools
3a.1: How do you make sure that the SEN provision is helping pupils make better progress?

Pupils are assessed prior to beginning an intervention to provide a baseline. The provision is based on the results of this assessment; always starting with what the child knows. A similar assessment is carried out at the conclusion of the provision to measure impact and progress. Underpinning ALL our provision in school is the graduated approach cycle of:

Assess: Class teachers working with SENCO carry out a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs. Concerns raised by parents are taken seriously. We use termly assessments of attainment and progress by class teacher, teaching assistants and other professionals that may be involved with the child. E.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist. These assessments may also include outcomes such as emotional literacy or social skills.

Plan: Termly, weekly and daily planning by class teacher is differentiated according to need. The class teacher andthe SENCO should agree in consultation with the parent and the pupil the adjustments, interventions and support to be put in place, as well as the expected impact on progress, development or behaviour All teachers and support staff made aware, outcomes sought, support provided and recorded.

Do: The class teacher remains responsible for working with the child on a daily basis. Where interventions (group or 1:1) are away from main class they still retain responsibility for the pupil. Teachers work closely with TAs or specialist staff to plan and assess the impact of support and interventions and how they can be linked to classroom teaching. The SENCO supports the class teacher in further assessment of the child’s particular strengths or weaknesses, in problem solving and advising on the effective implementation of support.

Review: Pupil progress meetings are held with the class teacher and SLT. These reviews are held termly to ensure support and interventions are matched to need, barriers to learning identified and overcome and a clear picture of interventions and their effect developed.

3a.2: How do you check other outcomes for children with SEND, such as independence and well-being?

Provision is made for other outcomes for children with SEND, such as ELSA programmes, sensory circuits, and play therapy. The impact of these is gathered in feedback from SDQ's pupils, parents or class teachers, who are seeing differences in behaviour.

3b: The school's arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with special educational needs
3b.1: How do you check and review the progress made by pupils with SEN?

We have rigorous monitoring in place that tracks the progress all our learners make across the curriculum and identifies the progress made. We use data and other forms of assessment & observation to identify progress, celebrate achievement and plan next steps. Please see above in Section 3a.

For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the SENDCo will arrange either 6 monthly or annual review meetings, centred around the pupil. 

3b.2: How will I find out about the progress my child is making?

Intervention outcomes are set and reviewed by class teachers on a termly basis. These are overseen by the SENCo and provision adapted according to outcome. Individual Education Plans and SEN Target outcomes are reviewed at least termly and new outcomes set according to need. Parents are invited to contribute to these. Parents are informed of progress and outcomes at parents’ evenings twice a year and through half yearly and annual written reports and conversations with staff as needed.

For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the SENDCo will arrange either 6 monthly or annual review meetings, centred around the pupil. 

Should more regular contact be required, our staff will make suitable arrangements to ensure this is put in place.

3b.3: How will I be involved in those reviews? Who else will be there?

For pupils with Education Health and Care Plans, review meetings are held every 6 months or annually with parents, the pupil and all professionals who support the pupil.

For pupils who are SEN Support  parents are invited to review progress with the SENCo. Wherever possible, the class teacher would also attend. Notes taken at these meetings are shared with parents and class teachers, with a copy kept in the pupil’s SEN file. This helps to ensure everyone is working together on the same outcomes in the same ways.

3c: The school's approach to teaching pupils with SEND
3c.1: How do your teachers help pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities to learn?

Each learner identified as having SEN, is entitled to support that is ‘additional to or different from a normal differentiated curriculum’. The type of support is dependent on the individual learning needs and is intended to enable access to learning and overcome the barrier to learning identified. This support is described on a provision map, describes the interventions and actions that we undertake at Micklands School to support learners with SEN across the year groups. We modify the provision map regularly, and it changes termly, as our learners and their needs change. The wave 1 provision map for the 4 areas of learning are available on the school website.

Some children will also have an Individual Education  Plan (IEP) co-produced by the class teacher and SENDCo and to which parents are invited to contribute. The IEP lists current desired outcomes and provision and is reviewed regularly. Work is scaffolded by the class teacher to ensure access to the curriculum. Teachers meet regularly with the SENCo to discuss concerns and to get advice on best practice. Where necessary, specialist practitioners are consulted on best ways to overcome a pupil’s barriers to learning.

Teachers have copies of EHCPs and relevant reports for all pupils in their class with additional needs.

3c.2: How can I find out more about what my child is learning at the moment?

Parents can access the school website to see an overview of what their child is currently learning or make an appointment to see the class teacher.

3d: How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEND
3d.1: How have you made the school buildings and site safe and welcoming for pupils with SEN or disabilities?

Every Teacher is required to adapt the curriculum to ensure access to learning for all children in their class. The Teacher Standards 2014 detail the expectations on all teachers. Our Teachers will use various strategies to adapt access to the curriculum, this might include using:

• Visual timetables

• Writing frames

• I-pads, lap tops or other alternative recording devices

• Peer buddy systems

• Dictaphones

• Writing slopes

Our Accessibility Plan is robust and we continually remind staff and learners about the Equality Act 2010. We value and respect diversity in our setting and do our very best to meet the needs of all our learners. We plan ahead with particular pupils, thinking of their journey through the whole of the school and how to support this. The school is built on one level and every year group has a wheelchair accessible classroom with a ramp. Corridors are kept as clear as possible to allow walking frames and wheelchairs . 



3d.2: How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

Scaffolding is embedded in our curriculum and practice. Teachers set suitable learning challenges via a scaffolded curriculum. We respond to children’s diverse needs (for example hearing impairment). We listen and respond to pupil voice. Our Accessibility Plan is robust and we continually remind staff and learners about the Equality Act 2010. We value and respect diversity in our setting and do our very best to meet the needs of all our learners.


see above 3c

3e: Additional support for learning that is available to pupils with SEND
3e.1: Is there additional support available to help pupils with SEND with their learning?

Having identified needs, (please see above section 3a) we seek to match provision to the need/s. We define expected outcomes of interventions and then monitor the impact through regular meetings and tracking of pupil progress. 

Additional support, or provision, is tailored to the needs of the child – we support a range of SEND, including emotional and some medical (such as Type 1 Diabetes). For example, Reading Recovery is an early intervention programme for pupils struggling to read . In some cases, one-to-one teaching assistants may be assigned to a pupil with complex learning needs or physical disabilities to ensure access to the National Curriculum and safety. In the case of pupils with an EHCP, outcomes are outlined on the plan, as is the provision to help achieve these outcomes. School’s resources are directed to match each child’s SEND according to the plan.

The school employs a number of teaching assistants to support children with additional needs, although not necessarily on a 1:1 . Teaching assistants are deployed on a strategic basis around the school, and also focus on developing children’s independence.

3e.2: How are the school's resources allocated and matched to children's special educational needs?

Children will be supported in a range of ways depending on their type of need and level of need, for example, smaller groups, pre-teaching, access to specialist resources, intervention groups, precision teaching etc. Teachers set suitable learning challenges via a differentiated curriculum. We respond to the children’s diverse needs and plan to overcome potential barriers for children.

3e.3: How will I know if my child is getting extra support?

Parents are informed of progress and outcomes at parents’ evenings twice a year and through half yearly and annual written reports and conversations with staff as needed. 

3e.4: How is the decision made about how much/what support my child will receive?

The needs and aspirations of the pupil and their family are at the heart of every decision made about the child. Parents will know if, what, and how much extra support is provided because they will have been involved in the decision-making process. 

3f: Activities that are available for pupils with SEND in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum
3f.1: What social and extra-curricular activities are available for students with SEND?

Micklands seeks to make every experience as inclusive as possible. ALL social and extra-curricular activities are available to ALL our pupils. We have a variety of clubs such as  Sensory Circuits, Lego Club, French Club or Basketball. A letter goes out to parents listing all available clubs. 

3f.2: How can my child and I find out about these activities?

We have a variety of clubs (eg. Judo, Tennis, Cricket, Dance, and Homework) A letter goes out to parents listing all available clubs. Similarly, ALL school trips, including residential visits, are open to ALL pupils. Pre-trip visits are made by teachers, and staff at the location to be visited are informed of any additional needs, so that activities are accessible to all.

3f.3: How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

Where possible we consult parents when planning any activities outside the classroom; particularly when this may affect the participation of their child. Medical needs will always be catered for. Individual risk assessments for physical and behavioural needs are completed, parents included as option to accompany children – where necessary.

3g: Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND
3g.1: What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

We are committed to the development of the whole child so have interventions in place to support emotional and social development as well as academic and physical skills through a whole school approach as well as group and individual support:

• A Play Therapist

• Emotional Literacy Skills Assistants x2 (ELSA)

  • Drawing and Talking

• Mental Health Surgeries every half term

• Sensory Circuits before school as well as:

• PHSE lessons

• Circle Time

• Peer massage

• Hand massage

• Bereavement support

• Lego Therapy – a social skills programme

• Anti-bullying policy – Policies | (micklands.reading.sch.uk)

• Child protection trained staff available to talk to

• Educational Psychologist advice and support as required

All staff foster good working relationships with children in their classes and monitor well-being on an ongoing basis. We follow the therapeutic thinking approach to behaviour, endorsed by Brighter Futures for Children. Therapeutic thinking is an approach that prioritises the prosocial experiences and feelings of everyone involved. Our behaviour policy includes guidance of expectations, rewards and consequences and is fully understood by all staff. 

4: In relation to mainstream schools, the name and contact details of the SEN Co-ordinator
4.1: Who should I contact if I want to find out more about how the school supports students with SEND?

The school SENCo can give you more information about how the school supports students with SEND. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Karen Talbot. Mrs Talbot has been in education for 33 years and was a class teacher for 24 years. She has worked at Micklands Primary School since 2000. Email or phone to make an appointment: ktalbot@micklands.reading.sch.uk   0118 9375500

4.2: What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?

If you have concerns about your child’s learning, consult the class teacher, in the first instance. The class teacher may then refer you to the SENCo for further discussion.

5: Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with SEND and how specialist expertise will be secured
5.1: What training have the teachers and other staff who support children and young people with SEND had?

All teachers have had training in regards to their responsibilities towards children with SEND.

SENCo completed National SENCo Accreditation in July

All Teaching Assistants have training in supporting
children with ASD

Two fully trained ELSA’s who have also received
Emotional First Aid Training
(Our ELSA’s regularly attends network meeting and
share good practice with colleagues )

One ELSA is trained in Drawing and Talking 

4 Teaching Assistant’s trained in Better Reading

4 teaching Assistants trained in Precision Teaching

We work closely with our Educational Psychologist and
Speech and Language Therapist.

We have completed the School Links Project
which is aimed at having a better understanding of
children’s mental health needs and how best to support

Each term our Educational Psychologist and our Primary Mental Health Worker run a surgery for teachers to seek advice regarding particular children or issues

Several members of staff are trained to support pupils with Diabetes

6: Information about how equipment and facilities to support children with SEND will be secured
6.1: What happens if my child needs specialist equipment or other facilities?

We are a ‘well equipped’ school for all our pupils, but should we need to acquire additional resources this can be sought in a number of ways. For example, general resources for pupils with SEN will be considered in line with the notional SEND Budget which could be used to purchase or hire specialist equipment, as appropriate. Should specific equipment be required, e.g. equipment to support children with a hearing impairment, we may be able to negotiate with Sensory Consortium . Each case is considered separately and specifically for each child.

In addition to this, top-up funding can be requested from Reading Borough Council if it can be shown that the equipment is necessary to support a child with exceptional needs.

7: The arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEND about, and involving such parents in, the education of their child
7.1: How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child's education?

See above

Parents of children with SEND are consulted and involved in their child’s education through: parent evenings, contributing  to targets 3 times a year and requests for input prior to annual reviews and EHC plan applications.We encourage parents to liaise with the class teacher or the SENCo throughout the year. Parents contribute to One Page Profiles, IEPs and SEN targets.

Parents can meet with the class teacher, SENDCo, play therapist, emotional literacy support assistant or head teacher by arrangement.

We hold  six monthly or annual reviews for pupils with EHC plans. Visiting professionals will regularly offer meetings with parents following an assessment and provide a written report. Looked-after children with and without SEN will have PEP (personal education plan). All those involved in supporting the pupil, including carers, are invited to meet three times a year to discuss the pupil’s educational needs and to set targets.

Home/School books or Reading Journals are used by some pupils with SEND, where there is a need for daily communication.

Coffee mornings or Afternoon Teas

7.2: How will you help me to support my child's learning?

see above 

8: The arrangements for consulting young people with SEN about, and involving them in their education
8.1: How will my child be involved in his/her own learning and decisions made about his/her education?

All children are encouraged to share their views about their learning via informal discussions, pupil conferences and the  school council. Class teachers discuss next steps and targets with identified children so they take ownership of their learning and share their aspirations.

9: Any arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with SEND concerning the provision made at the school
9.1: Who can I contact for further information?

Further information can be provided by the class teacher, SENCO or Head teacher. The school governor for SEND is Nicola Wisdom 

9.2: Who can I contact if I am not happy about the SEN provision made for my child?

In the case of a complaint, procedures to be followed are:

1. Informal discussion with the Head teacher (where it is hoped that the complaint will be resolved).

2. If attempts fail to settle the complaint informally, the complaint should be put in writing to the Head teacher.

3. If you are then unhappy with this resolution you can then write to the Clerk of the Governors ClerktoGovernors@Micklands.reading.sch.uk for presentation to the Governors. The written notification should make it quite clear exactly what the complaint is about.

4. If the person making the complaint is not satisfied with the outcome, they are able to make a formal complaint to the Local Authority.

Our case officer at Reading Borough Council is Maria Zameer: 0118 937 4932.

10: How the governing body involves other bodies including health and social care, LA support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and in supporting the families of such pupils
10.1: Who else provides services in school for children with SEN or disabilities?

Referrals are made as/when required to health, social care, LA support services and local charities to meet the needs of pupils with SEND and to support their families. The school maintains close relationships with specialist practitioners including:

• Educational Psychologist

• Speech and Language Therapist

• Occupational Therapist

• Physiotherapist

• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS),

• Play Therapist

• Hearing and Visual Impairment Advisory Teachers from Berkshire Sensory Consortium Services

• Primary Mental Health Workers

10.2: How can my family get support from these services?

Most of these can be referred by the SENCo. (Occupational Therapy can only be referred by your GP unless your child already has an EHCP.) For children who have Education Health Care Plans, other relevant bodies are involved via the person-centred Annual Review meeting. The local authority’s local offer is also used in gathering relevant information for children with SEN. Reading Information and Support Service (RIASS) is a valuable resource also for signposting parents to information, advice and support. 01189 373 421 https://www.readingiass.org

11: The contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with SEND including those for arrangements made in accordance with clause 32
11.1: Who should I contact to find out about other support for parents and families of children with SEN or disabilities?
12: The school's arrangements for supporting pupils with SEND in transferring between phases of education
12.1: How will you help my child make a successful move into the next class or secondary school or other move or transition?

Induction for all pupils is important to us and we invest time in welcoming our learners in a way that makes them feel a part of our setting. We work well with our partner schools. Children who may benefit from additional arrangements at transition points are identified by class staff and the SENCo. Individual arrangements are made depending on the child’s needs, such as additional visits, , social stories etc. New settings or next phases are well informed via transition meetings etc. All children experience a ‘Transition Day’ each July in preparation for change and home visits are encouraged in Foundation Stage.

We work hard to promote nurturing transitions by:

 Visiting feeder nurseries to observe new starters in their current setting.

 Visiting pupils in their homes before they start in Reception

 Meeting with staff at the nursery/ secondary school to discuss individual children’s needs and get appropriate training, if required.

Attending annual review meetings, where relevant and inviting secondary school SENCOs to Annual Review Meetings, where appropriate.

 Arranging additional transition visits.

Arranging parent meetings with the SENCO at the secondary school, and accompanying them to the meeting when requested.

 Visiting special schools for children needing an alternative placement


Within- school transitions:

 Providing social stories with photographs 

 Teacher-to-teacher handover meetings are very thorough, sharing information and using the One Page Profile and Individual Support Plans, where available

 Teachers meet the pupil with additional needs a few times before the transition visits

 Visits to the next classroom when it is empty are arranged before transition visit


13: Information on where the LA's SEN Information Report / Local Offer is published ORDINARILY AVAILABLE statement - Provision the local authority expects to be made available by schools, early years and post-16 providers)
13.1: Where can I find out about other services that might be available for our family and my child?

Reading Borough Council’s Local Offer, outlining services available for children and young people who have SEND. https://servicesguide.reading.gov.uk/kb5/reading/directory/family.page?familychannel=3

14: Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people's progress towards outcomes. This should include the opportunities available to work with parents and young people as part of this assessment and review
14.1: What opportunities will we as parents and our child have to review our child's progress towards the agreed outcomes?

For children who have Education, Health Care Plans, Annual Review Meetings are held to review specific outcomes. These are family & child centred meetings focussing on agreed outcomes, considering the views and expertise of other professionals. For other children in school with identified SEN, termly Parent Teacher Meetings are a formal opportunity to review outcomes. Class Teachers and the SENCo are available to meet with parents as part of the ‘Open Door’ policy as appropriate.

14.2: How often will these reviews happen?

These reviews happen every 6 months or annually. 

15: Who can I contact for further information?

Mrs K. Talbot SENCO 01189375500 ktalbot@micklands.reading.sch.uk  

16: What is the complaints procedure?

What is the complaints procedure? Please See section 9

17: Our external partners are

Educational Psychologist

Speech & Language Therapist

Play Therapist

Children’s Action Team - NORTH

Behaviour Support – Cranbury College


Occupational Therapy

Primary Mental Health Worker

Vision Impairment and Hearing Impairment Advisory Teachers form Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service

Daisy’s Dream bereavement support

CAMHS (Children & Adolescents Mental Health Services


18: Is there any additional provision you have developed during the year?

Ongoing Therapeutic Thinking training

This year we have appointed a Learning and Pastoral Support Assistant

19: Link to the schools websites SEND information or policy page.


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This information has been collected from third party providers therefore the Reading Services Guide, Reading Borough Council (RBC) and Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC) cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of this information and recommends that parents, carers, young people, residents and professionals check with providers regarding DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) and OFSTED registrations and CQC registrations. Information collected by Reading Service Guide; is used solely to implement and supply the Family Information Service (FIS), Special Educational Needs & Disabilities - Reading's Local Offer, Adults & Carers Support Group and Reading Youth.


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Contact the Team

Family Information Service

fis@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2

SEND Local Offer

localoffer@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2 0118 937 3777 OPTION 2

Adult & Carers Support

CSAAdvice.Signposting@reading.gov.uk 0118 937 3747 0118 937 3747
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